- ‧Browser 大亂鬥!Firefox4 vs Chrome7 vs IE9!
- ‧Adobe 64-bit 終於... 終於都來了... 64-bit 終於可以進直路了嗎?
- ‧Windows Phone 7 Developer Tools 最終版!
- ‧Andriod 機皇又換班,欲望 HD 挾著 Z 登場!
- ‧淺談一下 Snapdragon 第二代,45nm 製程 + 四倍速的 GPU 耶~
- ‧Nokia 沒落了,推出新機種也被 HTC 搶盡風頭。
- ‧HDCP主密鑰遭到破解!大陸的山寨廠有福了!
- ‧Logitech Google TV 有點少貴... USD 299 真的會有人買嗎?
Chrome 7 WebGL demo
Nokia Charging Plate DT-600
Good Show! I work in IT and have started listening to you guys for a few weeks.
回覆刪除A piece of advise! Just be more articulate in the pronunciations of the acronyms and technical terms.
Thanks, this will be the first compliment after 15 episode, this really meant something to us.
回覆刪除Whoa, first compliment after 15 episodes. No kidding!?!?
回覆刪除I think you guys deserve some honest feedback. Perhaps, I should go back to first episode to know a bit of your backgrounds.
By the way, you might want to consider use one segment for a few shows to cover one important feature. For example, spend a few shows to educate us some interesting emerging technologies or how to build your Home Entertaining System, etc.
Keep up the good work!!!
officially on this blog, yes, this is a first. It is usually hard to get feedback from HK'er and especially on a podcast.
回覆刪除We have thought about doing some special topics before but none of them ever got into the show. As always we would love to have more comments to figure out what our audiences' interests are.
As a HK'er many years ago, I now live and work in Canada.
回覆刪除If you ask me, your shows have to be consumer-oriented. That is, to discuss devices/technologies/software that they are relevant to them. Otherwise, it would become a niche developer-to-developer show.At present, I think you are on the right track. Just occasionally, throw in some topics in details and in depth, many savvy consumers and developers would appreciate...
Honestly, I listen to your show and work at the same time. Sometimes, I pick up a few things from you guys. If you guys can post all the references here, it would be great. For example, I think that Lifehacker.com website quite interesting.
As for the audience's interests, ask them to vote here or leave a message on what they would like to hear (which you have already done that).
Even Blackberry maker is Canadian, I don't like it at all. I think Android has the potential to rival with iPhone and Nokia.