‧會成功開拓新市場嗎?Sony Google TV 售價揭盅!
‧Skype5 加上 Facebook,令人與人的距離更近... 如果你成功能用的話。
‧Ubuntu 10.10 推出!外加 Nettop 完美拍擋:Unity Interface!
‧MS Expression Encoder 4... 啥?什麼來的?download
‧iPhone Apps 推介:
‧CamScanner 用鏡頭打造文件掃瞄器。download
‧MobileMonet 將相片變成漫畫吧~! $0.99 download
‧羅家英 X MTR = 蘋果教主發佈會!
‧WP7 特集:
‧WP7 的 Multi-tasking 怎樣運作?
‧等一等,Copy&Paste 2011 年初就會補上~!
‧microSD 就像金剛箍... 裝上後就不可以拆掉啦。
I just finished listening to the Randgad blog from the very first one to this one. It is informative and always have something to learn. Thanks. Just want to share an app also ... Vonage for Facebook, on both iphone and Android. you can make calls to your friends on facebook free ( even international calls ) provided both of you have the same app on your smart phone.
回覆刪除Keep it up..
In our previous episode, we mentioned a dominating app in that area to be Whatsapp, is there an advantage to use vonage as to whatsapp?
回覆刪除From the very first one to this one! 我聽到之後真係好感動, 多謝你支持啊! :D
回覆刪除Alan, 如果你喜歡我哋嘅節目,最好就係介紹比你啲friend聽,有更多download count先係我哋做show嘅動力。